- Providing services in the field of telecommunications, space, electricity, radio, and other communication areas not limited to these
- Production, purchase, sale, technical and operational maintenance, adjustment, and repair of television, radio devices, measuring, radio-electronic and other devices, communication and data transmission devices
- Wholesale and retail trade of telecommunications equipment and parts (including phone and communication equipment)
- Sale of machines used for the reception, conversion, transmission/reproduction of audio, video, or other data
- Providing services related to the operation of space vehicles, satellite communication, and television systems based on space vehicles
- Maintenance and repair of telecommunication networks and systems
- Construction of long and short distance telecommunication (communication) lines
- Activities of intermediaries related to the wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment
- Providing internet access over wired and wireless networks
- Integrated design, construction, and reconstruction of buildings and structures, including communication facilities and structures
- Activities in the field of satellite communication
- Other activities in the field of telecommunications
- Purchase, sale, management, leasing, and sale of real estate
- Purchase, management, leasing, and sale of businesses
- Purchase, management, and sale of property rights of legal entities, shares in the registered capital of legal entities, stocks, bonds, and other securities
- Provision of consultancy services
- Carrying out intermediary activities
- Carrying out foreign economic activities